Þakkar- og hvatningar viðburður vegna foreldrarölts

Vonumst til að sem flest noti tækifærið til að víkka tengslanetið við aðra foreldra í bæjarfélaginu.
Athugið að viðburðurinn verður bæði á íslensku og ensku.
Encouragements and thanks for Foreldrarölt (e. Parents walk)
The mayor of Garðabær and Grunnstoð will hold an event in Sveinatunga (Garðatorg 7) on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 from 16:30 – 18:00
The purpose of the event is to thank those parents that took part in the implementation of Foreldrarölt in Garðabær last winter, and at the same time draw attention to and encourage parents to participate in the walk and other parent cooperation in the municipality.
A specalist will speak a few words about what you can get out of being an active parent. Grunnstoð and the Foreldrarölt will be presented. Following this program there will be light refreshments and a musical performance.
We hope that as many as possible will take the opportunity to expand the network with other parents in the municipality.
The event will be both in Icelandic and English.
Bestu kveðjur,
fulltrúar Urriðaholtsskóla í Grunnstoð