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Frístundaheimilið Regnboginn opinn í dag!

Frístundaheimilið Regnboginn opinn í dag!

 Leikskólar og frístundastarf opnar kl. 13 í dag

Skólahald var fellt niður í dag vegna óveðursins sem gekk yfir landið í nótt. Það snjóaði ekki eins mikið á höfuðborgarsvæðinu í nótt eins og búist var við, þar sem hiti var nokkuð yfir frostmarki. Þess vegna eru flestar stofnæðar og tengibrautir færar og einnig fjölmargar íbúðagötur. Unnið hefur verið að því að ryðja íbúðagötur sem eru ekki færar og á það helst við í efri byggðum og jafnvel víða.

Veðrið er gengið niður og hafa því skólayfirvöld á höfuðborgarsvæðinu ákveðið að opna leikskóla klukkan 13:00. Þessi ákvörðun á einungis við þá leikskóla þar sem ekki voru áður auglýstir skipulagsdagar. Starf grunnskóla fellur niður í dag eins og áður hefur verið tilkynnt.

Starf frístundaheimila, íþróttastarf, tónlistarskóla og félagsmiðstöðvr hefst á sínum hefðbundnu tímum.

Við minnum einnig á að í dag mánudag tekur við gul veðurviðvörun á höfuðborgarsvæðinu, eins og staðan er núna þá gildir hún frá kl 18:00 og gildir fram á þriðjudag og er því mikilvægt að foreldrar/ forráðamenn fylgist með veðri í fyrramálið áður en lagt er af stað í skólann. Sjá frekari upplýsingar hér: https://www.vedur.is/vidvaranir/svaedi/rvk

Kindergartens and after-school programs will open at 13:00 today

Schools and afterschool programs were cancelled due to the storm during the night. It snowed less than expected in the greater municipal area as the temperature stayed above freezing. Since there is less snow than expected, main roads are open as well as many residential streets. Currently there is work ongoing to clear the roads that are impassable, mostly in the upper areas of the city.

The weather has calmed, and therefore school authorities in the greater municipal area have decided to open kindergartens at 13:00. However, those kindergartens that were closed due to a scheduled organisational day will remain closed. Elementary schools will be closed as announced yesterday.

After school programs, sports´ clubs, music schools and social centres will commence at their normal or scheduled times.

We also remind you that today, Monday, a yellow weather warning has been issued. The yellow warning begins at 18:00 and will remain until Tuesday. Therefore, it is important that parents and guardians keep a close eye on the weather tomorrow morning before going to school. More information can be found here: https://en.vedur.is/alerts

Kindergartens and after-school programs will open at 13:00 today

Schools and afterschool programs were cancelled due to the storm during the night. It snowed less than expected in the greater municipal area as the temperature stayed above freezing. Since there is less snow than expected, main roads are open as well as many residential streets. Currently there is work ongoing to clear the roads that are impassable, mostly in the upper areas of the city.

The weather has calmed, and therefore school authorities in the greater municipal area have decided to open kindergartens at 13:00. However, those kindergartens that were closed due to a scheduled organisational day will remain closed. Elementary schools will be closed as announced yesterday.

After school programs, sports´ clubs, music schools and social centres will commence at their normal or scheduled times.

We also remind you that today, Monday, a yellow weather warning has been issued. The yellow warning begins at 18:00 and will remain until Tuesday. Therefore, it is important that parents and guardians keep a close eye on the weather tomorrow morning before going to school. More information can be found here: https://en.vedur.is/alerts

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